Sunday, December 22, 2013

2013 Annual Management Improvement Carnival: Gemba Panta Rei

It's time again for my contribution to John Hunter's Curious Cat Annual Management Improvement Carnival.  Each December, John asks fellow bloggers to participate in an annual review of management blogs to help highlight the authors and posts that made a difference in improvement management effectiveness throughout the year.
My first review covers Gemba Panta Rei, one of the mainstays in the world of lean blogging. The blog's main contributor is Jon Miller, CEO of the Kaizen Institute and someone who has obviously been immersed in lean thinking for many years. Besides being born and raised in Japan, Jon was fortunate enough to learn directly from students of Taiichi Ohno. I believe this important because the further away organizations get from the teachings of Ohno and W. Edwards Deming, for example, the more they fall prey to the influence of traditional management thinking. And when this happens, they lose sight of what made them successful and become like every other organization - focused on short-term profits and share price.
Being part of the Kaizen Institute, Gemba Panta Rei has the benefit of a close connection to Masaaki Imai, one of the pioneers of kaizen, and author of the book, Kaizen: The Key to Japan's Competitive Success.
Because of these connections, Gemba Panta Rei provides some very interesting and different posts related to lean thinking. Where else, for example, can you hear a speech by Taiichi Ohno talking about kaizen (I think . . . since it's in Japanese)? I sometimes find the posts to be too general and overly simplified, but I have to remind myself that lean is simple . . . it's just not easy.
Some of the recent posts I found interesting include the following:
What Does 'Right First Time' Mean in an R & D Environment? This post addresses an issue that has been largely ignored in books and articles - how to apply a lean mindset to product development and project management.
Why the Only Way to Think it Long Term. A good discussion of the age-old debate of long-term vs short-term thinking in business, and that long-term focus as an absolute necessity to have any chance of sustaining a lean mindset.
How to Engage People. A review of a recent survey from Gallup showing that 70% of American workers are not actively engaged in their work. The post provides a lean focus to the results - including a criticism of the Gallup CEO for misinterpreting the results and suggesting fixes from a traditional management point of view. The post has a clear connection to Deming's Theory of Profound Knowledge and shows that western management still doesn't understand people or business.
I have to say that I'm not a fan of the Kaizen Songs section of the blog, but I can skip those and get some excellent thought-provoking material on lean thinking and transformation. There is a good variety of depth on the posts, which can appeal to lean practitioners at all levels. I plan to continue to access the blog every couple of weeks to see any new posts and continue to learn, have fun, and make a difference in the world of business.
More information on the 2013 Management Improvement Blog Carnival can be found on Curious Cat Management Improvement blog at

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Lean & Project Management

I regularly run into people from the project world who feel that lean does not apply to the work they do.  While some people are just not open to change, I find that a larger part of this belief stems from the misconception that lean is only applicable to manufacturing or operations environments.  This is unfortunate because project management is a field that can benefit greatly from lean thinking.  Like any successful application, however, benefiting from lean requires looking beyond the tools to gain a fundamental understanding of how lean leads to the benefits it does.  While the philosophy will be the same, the application will differ from traditional manufacturing because of differences in the pace of work and amount of repetition.  Attempting to copy the way lean is applied in a manufacturing operation will only serve to cement the idea that project management is different and cannot benefit from lean thinking.

Super Managers

Studies have shown that more than half of all large projects fail to deliver desired results.  Of those that are successful, I have found that they tend to be led by super managers.  In fact, the poorer the company's systems and processes are, the more talented and experienced its project team needs to be to make up for the gaps. And although hiring a highly experienced project manager does not guarantee success, it is the only chance a company with weak systems and variable processes has to succeed with its projects. Unfortunately, relying on super managers also leads to high salaries, high turnover, and increased burnout for the manager and project team members.

Through the application of lean, project success will depend less on a super manager and more on the strength of the company's processes, systems, and standards, and the ability to improve them when problems arise.

It's important to note, however, that with our without lean, the knowledge and skills of the project manager is critical to the project's success.  Lean thinking can make the job of the project manager easier, though, by enabling him or her to focus less on detailed work and more on high-level objectives and team member development.  Rather than continually relying on super managers, lean creates super teams through standardized processes, effective kaizen, and a focus on developing the abilities of team members.

Getting Started

Some of the basic steps to begin the process of applying lean thinking to large projects include:

Know the Objectives  I am continually amazed at how often project objectives aren't absolutely clear to everyone on the team.  Having a clear understanding of who the customers are and what they want can go a long way toward assuring the success of a project.  Translating the objectives into safety, quality, schedule, and cost targets will also enable people to connect individual work to project success.  Without continually highlighting all four of these dimensions, people can become so focused on the schedule that they ignore the others - and it is often the safety, quality, and cost issues that lead to schedule problems.

Measure Progress  Creating dashboards that are highly visible to the team helps everyone  know how the project is progressing and where the problems lie.  Emailing an electronic project schedule, reports with a large amount of text, or S-curves does not tend to be as effective as dashboards with leading and lagging indicators of the four dimensions listed above.  Besides the fact that people do not generally open email and read reports (especially when overloaded with work because of poor processes), a visual chart that is in front of people everyday - especially where meetings are held - enables everyone to see hotspots that can or may interfere with success.

Focused Meeting Rhythm  One of the most critical, but often ignored elements of lean is a meeting rhythm focused on quick identification and correction of problems.  A project team needs to meet regularly to identify hotspots that are - or have the potential of - interfering with progress.  The rhythm should be set at a pace where problems can be seen quickly enough to act before success is jeopardized.  Selecting the rhythm is one area where traditional thinking needs to be challenged.  Although the work associated with large projects tends to progress at a fairly slow pace, the team should look at whether breaking the reporting into smaller pieces will increase sensitivity and reduce response time to problems.

It also helps if the meetings are held in an obeya, or war room, where the dashboards are located, so the discussion can relate directly to the information on the dashboards.

Another important aspect of meetings is that they be focused only on hotspots needing the team's attention.  Too often, time is wasted in meetings communicating general information or things that have been completed on-time.  This information can be posted on dashboards and read by those who are interested.  The meeting discussion should be limited to problem-solving and discussion of critical elements.  This can be done by focusing the agenda on the gaps between the work that should have happened since the last meeting versus what actually happened.

Swarm Problems Although meeting rhythm should be focused on highlighting hotspots, nobody should wait until a meeting to identify or act on a problem.  The team needs to establish a way to pull the andon when a problem occurs so people can swarm the issue and develop countermeasures quickly that will get the project back on track.

The true benefits from lean will become evident when the mindset of the team changes and people begin to approach work differently.  And counter to what many would like to believe, appealing to common sense will not drive the change in behavior needed for success.  Change will not happen until without a significant amount of teaching, coaching, and close involvement with the team to demonstrate how lean will improve the project, and practice where team members apply the process.  As with any change initiative, consistency, determination, and a willingness to learn by everyone - including the person driving lean - are the keys to success.